Higher Education (HE)
HE510: Foundations of Higher Education
This course presents an overview of the historical development of educational institutions in the U.S., starting in the Colonial Era. You will explore how these historical developments have influenced present day higher education. Multiple types of institutions will be examined from a historical standpoint, such as community colleges, historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs,) and women's colleges. You will examine the evolution of these colleges and their impact on present day higher education, including their impact on providing access to diverse student populations.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE513: Institutional Research and Strategic Planning
In this course, you will explore the role of institutional research and its relationship with other administrative and strategic processes within institutions of postsecondary education. The institutional research profession and common functions of institutional research offices are introduced. You will also examine effective techniques for collecting and reporting data in postsecondary education, and consider how data is used for decision making and strategic planning.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE520: Higher Education Laws and Regulations
This course explores the legal environment of postsecondary educational institutions in the United States through an examination of legal structures, principles, and case law. Specifically, this course will focus on the competing interests, rights, and responsibilities of state and federal governments, institutions, faculty, staff, and students in various higher education settings.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE521: Teaching Adult Learners
This course provides you with the information necessary to comprehend, assess, and evaluate the foundational aspects of andragogy, which includes historical influences, theories and models, contemporary and international perspectives, the use of technology, teaching in a variety of higher education settings, and the development of and reflections on teaching and learning in adulthood.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE530: Higher Education Organization and Governance
This course presents an overview of governance structures common to today's higher learning institutions through an exploration of the organizational and administrative paradigms under which they operate.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE540: Diversity and Inclusion in Postsecondary Education
This course examines the needs of diverse students in postsecondary education. You will gain a further understanding of issues regarding race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, class, age, and disability affecting students in colleges and universities, including how these issues impact the curriculum. You will evaluate how institutions address issues of diversity, equitable access, and inclusion. You will also evaluate your attitudes, beliefs, and practices about these topics.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE545: Teaching and Learning Online
This course provides an overview of the pedagogical frameworks, instructional strategies, and technological innovations that are needed for quality online education. You will examine strategies that promote student motivation, engagement and diversity, and inclusion in the online learning environment. You will also consider technologies, tools, and applications that can be used to support learning. How online courses should be designed to meet learning objectives will also be addressed.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE550: Higher Education Finance
This course focuses on institutional finance and analysis of the factors contributing to institutional productivity. You will examine different approaches to funding higher education, the state appropriations process, accreditation, and federal issues such as financial aid. You will also examine the institutional budget process and different approaches to budgeting, the importance of financial leadership, and transparency.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE551: Student Affairs Foundation and Philosophy
This course presents the student affairs profession, including its history, purpose, and student services functional areas. Student developmental theories, including cognitive, psychosocial, and others, that provide a foundation for the development of a comprehensive student services program will be studied. Student affairs career pathways, professional associations, best practices for diverse populations, and applying ethical frameworks to practice will be explored in this course.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE553: Current Issues in Student Affairs in Higher Education
In this course, you will examine current issues in higher education in student affairs including affordability and access, student health and wellness, diversity and inclusion, regulation and compliance, crisis management, and other relevant topics. You will also analyze the use of assessments for continuous improvement in student affairs.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
HE555: Student Affairs Administration in Ground and Virtual Environments
This course explores the philosophy, purpose, and delivery of student affairs administration in virtual and ground environments. The course examines the range of organizational models used in student affairs administration, as well as the roles of student affairs professionals within these models. Additionally, the course focuses on postsecondary student characteristics and explores the student affairs profession's contemporary issues.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None