Nursing (NU)

NU501: 🌐 Advanced Nursing Roles

This course explores skills and strategies essential to successful advanced nursing role implementation. Analysis of existing and emerging roles provides a foundation for the selection of an individual advanced role specialization and an individual career development plan. Emphasis will be on the articulation of issues specific to the advanced nurse role in practice, administration, education, and informatics.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU501M1: Role Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse

Demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of nursing as it pertains to the advanced practice nurse's distinct role and perspective, and where shared perspectives exist with other disciplines.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU501M2: Communication, Collaboration, and Ethical Decision Making

Integrate communication that facilitates a partnership approach to quality care delivery.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU501M3: Leadership and Evidence-Based Practice

Develop accountability for care delivery and self-care management.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU501M4: Health Policy, Regulatory, Legal, and Credentialing

Differentiate the professional identity of advanced practice nursing, including accountability to the individual, society, and the profession and compliance with relevant laws, policies, and regulations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU501M5: Self-Directed Learning, Professionalism, and Self-Care

Illustrate a commitment to personal health and well-being and a spirit of inquiry that fosters flexibility and professional maturity.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU502: 🌐 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing

This course explores the evolution of nursing, social science, education, and behavioral science theories and their contribution to the care of individuals, families, and the community. The utility of conceptual models is examined for application to executive, education, and practice leadership.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU502M1: Sculptures and Schemes

Examine conceptual frameworks with a focus on advanced nursing roles.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU502M2: Perspectives

Discover models of practice and theory as they pertain to the advanced practice nursing role.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU502M3: Grand View From the Middle-Range

Examine nursing theories and application to practice.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU502M4: Be Informed

Analyze the application of nursing science and theory to the role of the advanced practice nurse.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU502M5: Explore the Ideal

Evaluate nursing theory and ethical decision making to assess, intervene in, and evaluate care.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU504: 🌐 Scientific and Analytic Approaches to Advanced Evidence-Based Practice

This course presents an evidence-based approach to promoting high-value, safe, and effective health care. The focus is on the assessment of levels of evidence to evaluate emerging health issues, develop competencies in analysis, translate evidence into practice, and explore evidence-based practice innovations. Qualitative and quantitative methods of inquiry and associated statistical analyses are identified. Strategies to create an environment for the integration of evidence-based practice to support executive, education, and practice leadership are identified.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU504M1: Exploring Evidence-Based Data in Nursing Practice

Explore evidence-based data, inquiry, and application in nursing practice.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU504M2: Examining Key Elements of Evidence-Based Practice

Examine the key elements of evidence-based practice.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU504M3: Investigating Statistical Output for Data Analysis

Investigate statistical output for data analysis.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU504M4: Evaluating Evidence-Based Findings From Nursing Research

Evaluate evidence-based findings from nursing research.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU504M5: Appraising Interdisciplinary Approaches to Change

Appraise interdisciplinary approaches to organizational and system change through evidence-based practice.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU505: 🌐 Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health Promotion

This course incorporates theoretical and empirical concepts related to health beliefs, health promotion, and risk reduction of diverse populations. Strategies and benefits of health promotion interventions are emphasized. Principles from evidence-based practice and clinical guidelines are assimilated. Clinical epidemiology, biostatistics, and cultural competence guide comparisons of groups and inference development.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU505M1: Clinical Epidemiology

Analyze epidemiologic data on morbidity and mortality related to acute and chronic disease states.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU505M2: Health Promotion - Applying Interventions

Examine theoretical models and population health concepts to develop strategies and interventions to promote therapeutic relationships and patient-centered health care across diverse populations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU505M3: Clinical Epidemiology and Risk Synthesis

Appraise preparedness to protect population health and advocacy during disasters and public health emergencies.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU505M4: Healthy Populations

Integrate evidence-based health promotion strategies that consider cost-effective interventions and social, legal, and ethical principles in achieving equitable care and resources for populations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU505M5: Interprofessional Health Promotion

Investigate collaborative opportunities and partnerships for individuals and organizations that challenge barriers that impact population health outcomes and health equity.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU506: 🌐 Health Policy, Ethical, and Legal Perspectives of the Health Care System

This course provides an opportunity to analyze major ethical theories and those principles underlying direct and indirect care of individuals, families, and communities. Selected concepts, principles, and cases involving legal aspects of care within a framework of critical decision making for advanced nursing roles will be examined. The development of health policy and the influence of health policy issues on the health care of individuals, families, and populations will be analyzed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU506M1: Ethics and Social Responsibility - Concepts and Theory

Analyze theoretical frameworks and concepts related to ethical dilemmas in the advanced practice role.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU506M2: Ethical-Legal Issues in Health Care

Investigate ethical-legal principles and dilemmas related to health care.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU506M3: Evaluation of Contemporary Health Policy

Examine the effects of contemporary health policy on providers and consumers, including consideration of continuous quality improvement processes.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU506M4: Advanced Practice Nursing - Legislative and Policy Strategies

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current health care system in the United States from a quality and safety perspective.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU506M5: Advanced Practice Nursing - Policy and Advocacy

Critique the role of nursing advocacy in the implementation of health policy.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU507: 🌐 Promoting Optimal Models and Systems for Health Care Delivery

This course will focus on the dynamic, complex, and integrated health care system and organizational imperatives to deliver high-value, safe, and effective health care based on industry standards, key outcome indicators, and cost-quality imperatives. The organization and delivery of health care will be explored, including business aspects of health care systems and pertinent financial issues in the relationship between policy and health care system reform. Strategies to develop leadership roles in professional nursing organizations, legislative bodies, and community/consumer organizations will be identified. Various health care delivery systems and reimbursement models will be presented.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU507M1: Health Policy Structure and Agenda Setting

Examine U.S. health care policy structures and the role of the nursing leader as a change agent at the public policy table.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU507M2: Financial Models and Reimbursement

Analyze financial models of reimbursement and their effects on patients and health care providers.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU507M3: Health Care Policy Models

Recommend public policy options to meet the needs of various stakeholders.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU507M4: Health Care Reform and Genetics and Genomics Research

Synthesize the effect health care reform has on stakeholders.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU507M5: Interprofessional Practice and Global Health Care Environments

Evaluate the roles of health policy and organizational structure in quality improvement within health care environments.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU512: 🌐 Leadership, Organizational Theory, and Behavior

This course will expose you to organizational theory and behavior and to competencies essential for successful leadership and management roles in a global health care delivery system. The emphasis is on self-analysis and strategies for best practice to effectively implement key leadership and management concepts in dynamic health care environments.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU512M1: Competencies for Leadership That Accelerate Change

Assess the standards of professional nursing performance and nursing leadership competencies.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU512M2: Leadership: Organization and Design

Analyze the impact of organizational culture on leadership management decisions.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU512M3: Value-Based Outcomes and Budgeting

Evaluate concepts of leadership and managerial strategies of change for system effectiveness.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU512M4: Human Capital Maximization and Performance

Investigate evidence-based practice leadership and management strategies for accountability to the individual, society, and profession.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU512M5: Assuring Quality, Safety, Risk, and Value

Examine leadership competencies with elements of socially responsible leadership and management.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU513: 🌐 Health Care Finance, Economics, and Strategic Planning

This course examines economics in profit and nonprofit health care organizations for nonfinancial managers. An analysis of decision making and strategic planning focuses the nursing leader toward plans that effectively promote success in dynamic health care environments. Conceptual and descriptive approaches are utilized to provide an overview of current practices and notable advances in strategic management.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU513M1: Economics in Health Care in Nursing Leadership

Appraise the economic principles required of nurse executive leaders as they manage the financial state of health care organizations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU513M2: Financial Management Responsibilities and Accountability

Evaluate budgetary and financial management concepts related to health care financial planning.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU513M3: Supporting Quality Outcomes in Health Care

Examine concepts of quality care and cost management related to quality outcomes.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU513M4: Business Planning to Support Operational Success

Determine operational objectives, goals, and strategies that drive a business plan to manage organizational needs.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU513M5: Strategic Planning to Meet Organizational Goals

Analyze the functions and importance of financial goals and resources in health care strategic planning.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU514: 🌐 Human Resources Management

This course presents a managerial overview of various aspects of personnel management in a fiscally responsible environment. Activities are designed to familiarize you with recruiting, training, and retaining the best employees, ensuring high performance, and conforming practices to various regulations. Exercises designed to develop ability in personnel policy development and implementation are offered.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU514M1: Social Responsibility and Harassment

Determine nurse manager responsibilities with regard to the social determinants of work.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU514M2: Strategic Workforce Planning in an Entrepreneurial Setting

Investigate the role human resource management plays in strategic workforce planning.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU514M3: Human Resource Training in a Hospital Acquisition

Create a human resource training program.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU514M4: Staffing Needs in a New Unit

Choose a staff recruitment plan.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU514M5: Planetary Health Care in Doctors Without Borders

Assess human resource management in planetary health care.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing or prior completion of a master's degree with an upper-level major in nursing

NU515: 🌐 Innovation and Application of Health Care Information Technology

This course focuses on the strategic application of information technology in health care organizations by administrative and advanced practice nursing leaders. You will explain the role of the executive-level advanced practice nurse in management, planning, and operationalizing technologies, including how to enhance health care technology data efficiency; evaluate the challenges of virtualization management models and the requirements for innovative and effective alternatives in health care reform; and critique the legal and ethical oversight responsibilities of the executive nurse leader when engaging in and managing a comprehensive, systematic, electronic medical record project.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU515M1: Informatics - Science, Standards, Regulations, and Quality Improvement

Examine nursing informatics as a science with implications that lead to system-wide initiatives that improve health care delivery and outcomes.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU515M2: Evaluating Information to Support Care Delivery

Evaluate information and decision-making processes for selecting, implementing, and evaluating support tools in multiple practice settings.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU515M3: Creating a Culture of Safety Using Data

Analyze data of actual errors, near misses, and potential situations that would impact a culture of safety in an interprofessional environment.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU515M4: Leading Practice With Data

Appraise outcome data as a leader in practice to inform change and policy recommendations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU515M5: Data Analytics Influence on Health Care Outcomes

Formulate positive health care outcomes with responsible and accountable use of data analytics to mitigate risk.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU523: 🌐 Developing Instructional Strategies Using Theory and Evidence-Based Practice

This course explores the advanced nursing practice teaching roles of educating diverse adults. Instructional strategies, learning theories, and the integration of technology are examined, and the impacts of social determinants of learning are analyzed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU523M1: Adult Learning Theories and Instructional Strategies

Synthesize knowledge from educational theories and evidence-based practice to facilitate adult learning.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU523M2: Social Determinants of Learning

Examine the impact of social determinants of learning to address diversity in education, including evaluation methods.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU523M3: Instructional Strategies in Diverse Learning Environments

Determine instructional strategies that can accommodate the needs of the learner in virtual, blended, and face-to-face learning environments.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU523M4: Integrating Technology Into Nursing Education

Evaluate the potential uses and impact of technology including simulation in nursing education.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU523M5: Lifelong Learning as a Nursing Educator

Investigate opportunities for lifelong learning including current and emerging evidence that influences practice and supports the role of the nurse educator.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU524: 🌐 Curriculum Development Process, Assessment, and Evaluation Strategies

This course provides you with the knowledge and experience of developing a curriculum for your chosen audience, using your chosen topic. Educational design, assessment, and evaluation methods will guide you in evaluating your curriculum competency.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU523

NU524M1: Curriculum Design

Apply models of curriculum design and learning to educational design.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: NU523

NU524M2: Technology Use in Course Development

Analyze educational technology in course development.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: NU523

NU524M3: Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

Synthesize current and emerging evidence for assessment and evaluation strategies for educational programs.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: NU523

NU524M4: Developing Curriculum

Develop a section of a curriculum for staff, academic, community, or patient education.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: NU523

NU524M5: Assessment and Evaluation of Curriculum Design

Examine assessment and evaluation methods of curriculum design based upon best evidence.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: NU523

NU551: Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan

This course integrates knowledge of advanced physiology and pathophysiology across the lifespan and the clinical implications for the advanced practice nurse. Function and dysfunction of organ systems are analyzed from the cellular level through the integrated organ level. You will examine the pathophysiological factors that influence the incidence and manifestations of acute, episodic, and chronic diseases in populations across the lifespan. Disease processes and symptom management approaches are investigated utilizing an evidence-based approach. Influences of gender, genetic, ethnic, and cultural variations on human disease are analyzed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing

NU552: 🌐 Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

This course addresses the theoretical principles and practical application of advanced physical assessment and history taking throughout the lifespan. Relationships between assessment findings and underlying physiology and pathophysiology in the healthy and unhealthy patient are investigated. Emphasis is placed on developing critical diagnostic thinking through interpretation of subjective and objective data, identification of normal and abnormal conditions, and systematic reporting of summative findings. Clinical judgment and clinical reasoning skills are used in establishing differential diagnoses. You will learn to address variables such as age, gender, culture, ethnicity, and developmental stages in differential diagnosis and evaluation and management plans.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing; and NU551 and NU553, or NU559

NU552M1: Subjective Patient History Taking

Apply a systematic approach with critical thinking to a subjective focused or comprehensive patient history intake interview, taking into consideration gender, culture, and ethnicity and ethical decision making.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing; and NU551 and NU553, or NU559

NU552M2: Head and Chest Examinations

Explore the process of assessment skills, diagnostic reasoning, and appropriate techniques necessary for a focused patient physical examination of the head, ears, eyes, nose, throat (HEENT) and chest across the lifespan.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing; and NU551 and NU553, or NU559

NU552M3: Abdominal, Genitourinary, and Nervous System Examinations

Integrate scientific knowledge to guide decision making in the physical assessment and diagnostic reasoning of abdominal, genitourinary, and nervous system examinations across the patient lifespan.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing; and NU551 and NU553, or NU559

NU552M4: Systematic Approach to Patient Examination

Formulate a systematic and defendable approach to nursing practice decisions for a patient examination, based on individual patient needs.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing; and NU551 and NU553, or NU559

NU552M5: Comprehensive Patient Assessment Across the Lifespan

Construct a process for comprehensive assessment, diagnostic reasoning, and appropriate examination techniques for specific patient populations across the lifespan.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing; and NU551 and NU553, or NU559

NU553: Advanced Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics

This course integrates advanced knowledge of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and genomics across the lifespan and prepares the advanced practice nurse to prescribe pharmacotherapeutics safely and effectively. You will examine ethical, legal, regulatory, and cost-effective prescribing practices of the advanced practice nurse. Communication plans for the interdisciplinary team, patients, and/or families for both prescriptive and nonprescriptive drug therapies will be explored.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing | Corequisite: NU551

NU559: 🌐 Essentials of Advanced Pathophysiology and Pharmacology

This course integrates essential knowledge for advanced nursing practice of physiology and pathophysiology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and genomics across the lifespan. Function and dysfunction of organ systems are analyzed from the cellular level through the integrated organ level. You will examine the pathophysiological factors that influence the incidence and manifestations of acute, episodic, and chronic diseases in populations across the lifespan. Disease processes and symptom management approaches are investigated utilizing an evidence-based approach. Influences of gender, genetic, ethnic, cultural, and temporal variables of human disease are analyzed. Communication and teaching plans for patients and/or families will be explored for pathological states and both prescriptive and nonprescriptive drug therapies.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU559M1: Introduction and Altered Cell Function

Analyze knowledge of advanced pathophysiology and pharmacology across the lifespan with a focus on altered cells and tissues.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU559M2: Inflammation, Immunity, and Neoplastic Disorder

Examine concepts of advanced pathophysiology and pharmacology across the lifespan with a focus on altered cellular proliferation and immunity.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU559M3: Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems

Integrate knowledge of advanced pathophysiology and pharmacology across the lifespan with a focus on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU559M4: Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, and Endocrine Systems

Examine concepts of advanced pathophysiology and pharmacology across the lifespan with a focus on the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and endocrine systems.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU559M5: Central Nervous System, Genetics, and Developmental Disorders

Synthesize knowledge of advanced pathophysiology and pharmacology across the lifespan with a focus on the central nervous system, genetics, and developmental disorders.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1 | Prerequisite: None

NU566: NP I - Introduction to Primary Care for the Nurse Practitioner

This course examines the range of acute and chronic conditions experienced by patients in the primary care setting which are within the scope of practice of the primary care nurse practitioner. You will develop a consistent approach to screening, assessment, utilization of diagnostic procedures, diagnosis, symptom management, disease treatment, and health promotion activities. Content builds upon previous diagnostic knowledge and clinical reasoning skills in the development of differential diagnoses and appropriate diagnostic workups. Age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, evidence-based plans of care are created. Communication skills and cooperative relationships with patients, families, and the interdisciplinary health care team are emphasized. The course explores health promotion and health maintenance approaches and strategies that incorporate individual health beliefs and practices.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, and NU553

NU568: FNP I - Primary Care Across the Lifespan

This course examines the range of illnesses and conditions experienced by patients across the lifespan in primary care settings. Illustration of a consistent approach to the evaluation and management of these illnesses and conditions is emphasized. You will expand your diagnostic and clinical reasoning and differential diagnosis abilities through continued application of new and previously acquired knowledge and skills in caring for clients who present acute, episodic, and chronic illness and conditions. You will formulate evidence-based management plans that address patient health beliefs, developmental and family life cycle stages, health promotion, screening, and health maintenance behaviors. Collaborative relationships with the patient, family, and interdisciplinary health care team are emphasized. Oral and written skills using advanced technology are also emphasized.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, and NU566

NU569: FNP I Clinical - Lifespan Health Focus

This introductory course will provide you with the foundation of a critical thought process in differential diagnosis. Common acute and chronic illnesses across the lifespan will be discussed, and common risk assessments, screenings, and lifestyle modifications will be presented. You will be introduced to computerized documentation in the primary care setting. You will also begin to develop collaborative skills involving the client, the family, and the interdisciplinary health care team.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

NU572: AGNP I - Primary Care of the Adolescent and Adult

This course will focus on the primary care of clients from age 12 to late adulthood. The focus will be on gaining competence in understanding acute and chronic illnesses and their management. Health promotion, screening, and risk management are presented as integral to the primary care focus. Interdisciplinary team building for the care of the client is introduced.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU566

NU573: AGNP I Clinical - Adolescent and Adult Focus

This clinical course introduces beginning skills in assessing, diagnosing, and treating common acute and chronic health conditions in the client aged 12 years through adulthood. The focus will be on pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions as well as health promotion, screening, and lifestyle modification techniques.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU566 and NU572 (NU572 may be taken concurrently)

NU576: NP II - Primary Care of Women's Health

This course will focus on primary health care specific to female clients. Focus will be on reproductive health maintenance; pregnancy prevention and management; care of the menopausal woman; and the assessment, diagnosis, and management of conditions specific to women. Contemporary trends and issues that impact women's health status will be discussed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU566, NU568, and NU569

NU577: NP II Clinical - Women's Health Focus

This clinical course will focus on the unique needs of women across the lifespan. The unique care of women will be approached with attention to the psychosocial, ethnic, and cultural influences that affect physical and mental health. A collaborative approach to care will be employed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU566, NU568, NU569 and NU576 (NU576 may be taken concurrently)

NU580: FNP II - Primary Care of Children and Adolescents' Health

The course will focus on the primary health care of individuals from birth to age 21 years. Assessment, diagnosis, and management of common acute and chronic health care issues will be explored. Health maintenance, screening, and anticipatory guidance with a focus on involving and educating parents, as appropriate, will be included. Assessment skills learning will include physical, psychosocial, mental health, and genetic/familial issues.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU568 and NU569

NU581: FNP II Clinical - Children and Adolescent Health Focus

This clinical course will provide the opportunity to assess, diagnose, and manage acute and chronic health care issues in the pediatric and adolescent population in a primary care setting. Health maintenance, screening, and anticipatory guidance activities will take place in collaboration with the preceptor. Communication and collaboration with other health care and social service organizations will be conducted as part of a team approach to management.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU580 (may be taken concurrently)

NU584: AGNP II - Primary Care of the Frail Elderly

This course addresses the physical and psychosocial health and function of the frail elderly adult. Biological, psychosocial, and social theories of aging will be explored. Strategies to promote health, minimize disability, and maximize quality of life within the context of independent living, assisted living environments, and skilled care facilities will be introduced. Alternatives to institutionalized care will be explored. Assessment and management of acute and chronic health conditions specific to the frail elderly will be discussed. Palliative care for terminal conditions will be addressed. Financial issues specific to the frail elderly will be analyzed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU572 and NU573

NU585: AGNP II Clinical - Frail Elderly Focus

This clinical course will provide the opportunity to assess, evaluate, diagnose, and manage treatment of acute and chronic disease in the frail elderly. Adaptive interventions to meet the complex needs of the frail elderly arising from normal changes in the developmental stages of aging, multiple system dysfunction, psychosocial issues, and financial issues will be utilized. Optimizing a collaborative relationship with the client, caregiver, and other members of the health care team will be discussed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU572, NU573, and NU584 (NU584 may be taken concurrently)

NU590: Applying Principles of Advanced Nursing Practice - Clinical

This course explores the advanced nursing practice roles of change agent and leader to influence health care outcomes for individuals, populations, and/or organizations. A synthesis of the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and nurse educator/executive leader outcomes will be applied to an evidence-based practice project aimed at improving health care outcomes.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing and completion of all nurse executive leader or nurse educator specialty didactic courses

NU603: Evaluating and Disseminating Principles of Advanced Nursing Practice - Clinical

In this course, you will continue to explore the advanced nursing practice roles of change agent and leader through completion, evaluation, and dissemination of your evidence-based practice project to influence health care outcomes for individuals, populations, or systems.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing; completion of all nurse executive leader or nurse educator specialty didactic courses; and NU590

NU605: Transition to Practice

This course completes the summative process of designing and developing your individual role as an advanced practice nurse in primary care. The various careers available to advanced practice registered nurses will be explored, along with entrepreneurial opportunities for primary care nurse practitioners, and professional advocacy activities will be demonstrated. You will differentiate between supervised, collaborative, and independent practice models. Malpractice and the scope of practice issues specific to primary care nurse practitioners will be analyzed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU566, NU576, and NU577; FNP students must also complete NU568, NU569, NU580, and NU581; AGPCNP students must also complete NU572, NU573, NU584, and NU585

NU610: NP III Clinical - Primary Care Focus

This clinical course focuses on the clinical application of assessment, differential diagnosis, symptom management, and disease treatment in the primary care setting. You are expected to assess and manage common acute episodic and chronic health illnesses across gender and age span in consultation with your clinical preceptor. Initiation of health promotion and health maintenance activities with individuals and groups is stressed. This final clinical experience enables you to synthesize skills and knowledge gained across the curriculum.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU566, NU576, NU577, and NU605 (NU605 may be taken concurrently); FNP students must also complete NU568, NU569, NU580, and NU581; AGPCNP students must also complete NU572, NU573, NU584, and NU585

NU648: Specialized Pharmacology for the AGACNP

This course builds upon knowledge attained in the advanced pharmacology course with special attention to the needs of the adult and geriatric population in an acute care setting. This course focuses on safe and effective prescribing of cost-effective pharmacotherapeutics in the acute care environment. You will examine ethical, legal, and regulatory prescribing practices of the advanced practice nurse. Communication plans for the interdisciplinary team, clients, and/or families for both prescriptive and nonprescriptive drug therapies will be explored.

Quarter Credit Hours: 2 | Prerequisite: None

NU650: AGACNP Introduction to Acute Care Management I

This course is an introduction to the role and responsibilities of the adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner (AGACNP). The course introduces the range of acute and chronic conditions experienced by patients in the acute care setting which are within the scope of practice of the acute care nurse practitioner. Age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, evidence-based plans of care are created, and cooperative relationships with patients, families, and the interdisciplinary health care team are emphasized. You will explore common primary and acute care health conditions and health promotion/maintenance strategies that incorporate individual cultural and health beliefs and practices.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, and NU553

NU651: AGACNP Introduction to Acute Care Management Clinical I

This clinical course is an introduction to the role and responsibilities of the adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner (AGACNP). The clinical course introduces the range of acute and chronic conditions experienced by patients in the acute care setting which are within the scope of practice of the acute care nurse practitioner. Age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, evidence-based plans of care are created, and cooperative relationships with patients, families, and the interdisciplinary health care team are emphasized. You will explore common primary and acute care health conditions and health promotion/maintenance strategies that incorporate individual cultural and health beliefs and practices. You will complete the required number of clinical hours (in-patient) for this course and reflect on your clinical experiences to explore diagnosis and management of the acute care patient.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, and NU650 (NU650 may be taken concurrently)

NU652: AGACNP Acute Care Diagnosis and Management II

This didactic course builds on the previous coursework with additional focus on interviewing and physical examination techniques to formulate differential diagnoses and management plans for adult and geriatric patients with acute, episodic, and unstable chronic health conditions in the acute care environment. You will explore your role as the nurse practitioner with adults in an acute care setting, along with opportunities for collaboration in clinical practice to manage patients with acute, episodic, and chronic illnesses and conditions commonly seen in the acute care environment. The course will include considerations of population health and disaster management.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU648, NU650, and NU651

NU653: AGACNP Acute Care Diagnosis and Management Clinical II

This clinical course focuses on interviewing and physical examination techniques to formulate differential diagnoses and management plans for adult and geriatric patients with acute, episodic, and unstable chronic health conditions in the acute care environment. You will have the opportunity to implement the role of the nurse practitioner with adults in an acute care setting. You are expected to assess patients and form differential diagnoses and management plans for acute, episodic, and chronic illnesses and conditions commonly seen in the acute care environment in consultation with your clinical preceptor. Initiation of health promotion and health maintenance activities with individuals and groups is emphasized.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU650, NU651, and NU652 (NU652 may be taken concurrently)

NU654: AGACNP Acute Care Diagnosis and Management III

This course builds on AGACNP Acute Care Diagnosis and Management I. The focus will be on the further development of knowledge related to the diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of adult and geriatric patients with acute, episodic, and unstable health conditions in the acute care environment. Emphasis is placed on the formation and evaluation of evidence-based management plans for acute, episodic, and unstable health conditions and multisystem disorders commonly seen in adult and geriatric patients in the acute care setting.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU650, NU651, NU652, and NU653

NU655: AGACNP Acute Care Diagnosis and Management Clinical III

This clinical course focuses on further refining the formation of management plans for medically or surgically complex patients in the acute care setting under the supervision of a preceptor. You will continue to develop a comprehensive listing of differential diagnoses and the ability to order cost-effective diagnostic and laboratory tests. Applying diagnostic reasoning and clinical judgment, you will continue to develop and evaluate individualized, comprehensive management plans that consider acute illnesses, chronic health conditions, and social factors including personal health beliefs and cultural practices.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU650, NU651, NU652, NU653, and NU654 (NU654 may be taken concurrently)

NU656: AGACNP Critical Care Management

This course focuses on the advanced synthesis and management of critical care acute episodic and chronic health conditions for adult and geriatric patients in the acute care environment. Emphasis is placed on advanced proficiency in the formation and evaluation of evidence-based plans of care for acute episodic and chronic multisystem disorders in adult and geriatric patients. This course provides a comprehensive review of the acute care curriculum.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU650, NU651, NU652, NU653, NU654, and NU655

NU657: AGACNP Critical Care Management Clinical

This course provides you with the opportunity to immerse yourself in the role of the acute care nurse practitioner. You will apply the principles of clinical judgment, assessment, and diagnostic reasoning to the evaluation and management of adult and geriatric acute episodic and chronic health conditions in the acute care environment. During this course, you will practice independent decision-making skills while using the preceptor as a clinical resource and mentor. You are expected to develop a stronger identity as an advanced practice nurse as you implement all aspects of the role, including provider and educator, as well as demonstrate a commitment to ensuring quality care through consultation, collaboration, documentation, continuing education, certification, and self-reflection. This course includes a diagnostic readiness test for national certification and certification review.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU650, NU651, NU652, NU653, NU654, NU655, and NU656 (NU656 may be taken concurrently)

NU670: PMHNP Neuroscience and Psychopharmacology

This course builds upon knowledge attained in the advanced pharmacology and advanced pathophysiology courses with emphasis on principles of psychopharmacology and neurosciences related to psychiatric mental health disorders across the lifespan. It includes special review of neurobiology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, neurotransmitters, substance abuse potential, outcomes monitoring, and safe prescribing of psychotropic pharmaceuticals for the psychiatric mental health environment. Collaborative, ethical, legal, health promotion and prevention, and regulatory prescribing practices of the PMHNP role are examined.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, and NU553 | Corequisite: NU552

NU671: PMHNP Psychopathological Disorders and Psychotherapy

This course introduces identification of psychiatric mental health disorders across the lifespan, major psychotherapeutic theories and methods, and select treatment modalities for use in psychotherapy with individuals, groups, and families. The emphasis is on comprehensive mental health assessments with reference to and application of the most current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to formulate differential diagnoses and correlate treatment planning with a diagnosis for age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, evidence-based psychotherapeutic treatments. The course also delves into appropriate health promotion and prevention.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, and NU670 | Corequisite: NU672

NU672: PMHNP Psychotherapy for Individuals, Groups, and Families Clinical

This course is the first clinical course in a series that allows you to apply psychotherapeutic theories and concepts as you further develop advanced clinical skills for the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) role. Interviewing and mental health assessment skills are reinforced. Emphasis is on conducting individual, group, and family psychotherapy across the lifespan. The use of empathy, the therapist-patient relationship, and diverse, culturally sensitive approaches of psychotherapy are practiced. This course has a required interviewing and mental health assessment lab checkoff.

Quarter Credit Hours: 2 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, and NU670 | Corequisite: NU671

NU673: PMHNP Diagnosis and Management Across the Lifespan I

This course examines the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner's (PMHNP's) clinical role in assessing, diagnosing, managing, and treating mental health disorders. Prescribing psychotropic medications and providing therapy and emergency psychiatric services to patients with organic brain disorders, substance abuse problems, and complex co-occurring disease processes will be analyzed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU670, NU671, and NU672 | Corequisite: NU674

NU674: PMHNP Diagnosis and Management Across the Lifespan Clinical I

This course is the second clinical in a series that comprises supervised psychotherapeutic clinical skills for the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) role in a variety of settings. You will engage patients across the lifespan, with emphasis on the adult/geriatric population, and perform comprehensive mental health assessments for decision making, develop differential diagnoses, and pair the diagnosis with a treatment plan. You will integrate diagnostic tests, therapy, and psychotropic medication, then document and code in electronic medical records.

Quarter Credit Hours: 2 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU670, NU671, and NU672 | Corequisite: NU673

NU675: PMHNP Diagnosis and Management Across the Lifespan II

This course continues to examine the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) clinical role in assessing, diagnosing, managing, and treating psychiatric mental health disorders, medical organic brain disorders, substance abuse problems, and complex co-occurring disease processes and disorders across the lifespan in relation to conducting therapy, prescribing psychotropic medications, and providing emergency psychiatric services. Emphasis is placed on the pediatric/adolescent population.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU670, NU671, and NU672 | Corequisite: NU676

NU676: PMHNP Diagnosis and Management Across the Lifespan Clinical II

This course is the third clinical course in a series that comprises supervised psychotherapeutic clinical skills for the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) role in a variety of settings. You will engage with patients across the lifespan, with an emphasis on the pediatric/adolescent population, and perform comprehensive mental health assessments for decision making, develop differential diagnoses, and pair the diagnosis with a treatment plan. You will integrate diagnostic tests, therapy, and psychotropic medication, then document and code in electronic medical records (EMRs). You will also reflect on your role as an advanced practice provider, explore components of health policy, and reflect as a leader in your new role.

Quarter Credit Hours: 2 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU670, NU671, and NU672 | Corequisite: NU675

NU677: PMHNP Diagnosis and Management Across the Lifespan III

The purpose of this course is to support your transition from psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) student to entry-level PMHNP role and advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) independent practice. You will incorporate knowledge from prerequisite courses to conclude your training to deliver comprehensive psychiatric mental health care, including treatment and management of psychiatric mental health disorders, medical organic brain disorders, substance abuse problems, and complex co-occurring disease processes and disorders across the lifespan. Emphasis is on APRN leadership, collaboration, health promotion, disease prevention, professionalism, quality, and safety within the PMHNP role when working with patients across the lifespan.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU670, NU671, NU672, NU673, NU674, NU675, and NU676 | Corequisite: NU678

NU678: PMHNP Diagnosis and Management Across the Lifespan Clinical III

This course is the final clinical course in a series that comprises supervised psychotherapeutic clinical skills for the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner's (PMHNP's) role in a variety of settings. You will engage patients across the lifespan and perform comprehensive mental health assessments for decision making, develop differential diagnoses, and pair the diagnosis with a treatment plan. You will integrate diagnostic tests, therapy, and psychotropic medication, then document and code in the electronic medical record.

Quarter Credit Hours: 2 | Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses in the Master of Science in Nursing, NU551, NU552, NU553, NU670, NU671, NU672, NU673, NU674, NU675, and NU676 | Corequisite: NU677

NU703: Professional Role Development of the DNP-Prepared Nurse

In this course, you will be introduced to advanced levels of systems thinking with a focus on initiatives that improve patient, population, and health system outcomes based on current evidence. You will explore theoretical perspectives from a variety of disciplines that guide advanced nursing practice. You will examine the doctor of nursing practice essentials that reflect the highest level of nursing leadership and the application of evidence-based practice through innovative models of care delivery. There is an emphasis on the role of the DNP-prepared nurse leader who collaborates with an interprofessional team to provide quality and safe care. This course requires a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 60 supervised practice hours, which may be applied to the doctoral project.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: Completion of an accredited Master of Science in Nursing degree

NU713: Epidemiology and Social Determinants of Population Health

This course focuses on the comprehension, synthesis, and application of emerging scientific knowledge specific to clinical prevention and population health. You will synthesize trends among epidemiologic, biostatistical, and environmental data to derive solutions to tenacious or new health care problems based on existing health data sets and the scientific literature. Social determinants of health in the processes of conducting risk assessment, intervention development and implementation, health care delivery planning, and evaluation will be considered. You will evaluate models of clinical prevention and population health care delivery with an emphasis on vulnerable and underserved populations. You will examine how the nurse will address population health issues and ensure optimal health care outcomes.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU501 or NU703

NU733: Ethics, Policy, and Advocacy for Population Health

This course will prepare you to design and implement culturally proficient health care policies with special consideration of issues of social justice, cultural perspectives, and equity. You will explore ethical challenges encountered in clinical practice and health care policy as well as advocacy for ethical policies that influence care at the regional, national, and global levels.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU501 or NU703

NU743: Clinical Decision-Making and Collaboration

In this course, you will discuss and analyze the foundations of clinical decision-making. You will demonstrate and apply experiential, contextual, and evidence-based best practices in decision-making and interprofessional collaboration to optimize quality patient outcomes. You will understand how clinical reasoning is embedded within nursing practice over broad socioeconomic contexts. This course requires a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 100 supervised practice hours, which may be applied to the doctoral project.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU703, NU713, and NU733

NU753: Transforming the Health Care Organization

In this course, you will develop the organizational and leadership knowledge and skills necessary to appraise practice leadership theories, innovative strategies, and financial outcomes. The influence of innovation, economics, health policy, stakeholders, and interprofessional collaboration upon health care organizational operations will be explored. As a nurse leader, you will apply an evidence-based approach to facilitate a culture of innovation within organizational systems. The entrepreneurial opportunities for nurses will also be examined. This course requires a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 100 supervised practice hours, which may be applied to the doctoral project.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: NU703, NU713, and NU733 | Corequisite: NU743

NU800: DNP Project Proposal

You will analyze methods and tools for critical appraisal and application of existing practice-based information to improve the quality of care and outcomes for specific populations. During the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project development, you will identify a clinical issue of a target population and apply evidenced-based interventions that achieve measurable health outcomes. You will defend the proposal for your DNP project in this course. This course requires a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 200 supervised practice hours, which may be applied to the doctoral project. Documentation and confirmation of required practice hours is required for successful completion of this course.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: NU713, NU733, NU743, and NU753

NU803: Change Management and Clinical Data Analysis

In this course, you will appraise systematic experiential, contextual, and best evidence-based practice, and the use of information technology and data, in a scholarly Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project. In-depth work with experts from nursing and other disciplines will be incorporated to offer opportunities for meaningful student engagement and networking in the health care environment. You will acquire the skills and knowledge essential to process and manage information systems/technology resources and data in a variety of health care settings. Through assignments and discussions, you will retrieve and critically analyze digital data essential to health care quality improvement. Informatics tools for data extraction, organization, and interpretation will be compared, and statistical tools for nursing will be reviewed. This course requires a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 120 supervised practice hours, which may be applied to the doctoral project. Documentation and confirmation of required practice hours are required for successful completion of this course.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: NU800

NU813: DNP Project Implementation

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project provides you with the opportunity for in-depth analysis, synthesis, and application of a chosen topic that contributes to an area of scholarship in advanced nursing practice. In this course, you will implement the DNP project in the practice setting with oversight provided by the DNP consultant and practice facilitator. This course requires a minimum of 125 supervised practice hours, up to a maximum of 250 supervised practice hours, which may be applied to the doctoral project. Documentation and confirmation of required practice hours is required for successful completion of this course.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: NU803

NU820A: DNP Extension Course

In this course, you will complete any outstanding practice or project requirements needed to progress in the program. You may log up to 100 practice hours during this course, if needed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 0 | Prerequisite: None

NU823: DNP Project Dissemination

The DNP project provides you with the opportunity for in-depth analysis, synthesis, and application of a chosen topic that contributes to an area of scholarship in advanced nursing practice. In this course, you will disseminate the outcomes of the DNP project in a written paper suitable for publication and a formal presentation. This course requires a minimum of 85 supervised practice hours, up to a maximum of 170 supervised practice hours, which may be applied to the doctoral project.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: NU813