Academic Eligibility for Financial Aid

To remain eligible for federal financial aid, you are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward completion of your program.

Financial Aid Warning

If you are placed on academic probation, you will also be given a financial aid warning. You will have one payment period (one academic term) to regain good academic standing by meeting all satisfactory academic progress standards or you will lose academic eligibility for federal funding.

The University may restore your academic eligibility for financial aid, even if you do not meet the satisfactory academic progress standards, if the University determines that your failure to meet those standards was due to unforeseeable, extenuating circumstances, including the death of a relative, illness, or injury, or other special circumstances.

If you receive a financial aid warning, and have experienced extenuating circumstances, you should file a satisfactory academic progress appeal before the end of the payment period/term to be considered for financial aid probation and to avoid disruption to your enrollment.

Financial Aid Probation

After receiving a financial aid warning, you may submit an appeal to be placed on financial aid probation. The written appeal should explain the extenuating circumstances that caused the inability to meet the satisfactory academic progress standards and explain the corrective actions that have been taken to ensure academic success if the appeal is granted. You may begin the appeal process during the financial aid warning period and are encouraged to include supporting documentation that could have a bearing on the University's decision. You will be notified in writing of the outcome of the appeal review.

When you are placed on financial aid probation, you may also receive an academic plan. The academic plan identifies the academic standards you must meet each term in order to comply with the satisfactory academic progress standards.

When you are placed on financial aid probation, you will be denied eligibility for financial aid and academically dismissed from the University at the end of the payment period, unless you make satisfactory academic progress or the University determines that you have met the terms of your academic plan.