Public Administration and Policy (PP)
PP110: Ethics and Public Administration
This course will introduce the basic concepts, principles, and theories of ethics and demonstrate the role that these might play in the formation of public policy. The course will survey various social issue scenarios, explore ethical decision-making tools, and apply problem-solving models. This course aims to develop critical thinking skills, tools, and behaviors to implement ethical decision making.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
PP220: Socially Responsible Leadership
This course is intended to enable participants to understand, evaluate, and reflect on leadership as well as develop their own leadership skills through experiential exercises. It will examine the nature and varieties of leadership by elected and appointed officials in government, officials and volunteers in nonprofit organizations, leaders of political movements, and community groups.
Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None
PP310: Finance and Budgeting in the Public Sector
This course examines the public budgetary process and related financial management techniques. It reviews public budgeting systems and processes, public revenue, and expenditures, focusing on the government and nonprofit sectors. The course will equip you with the knowledge, vocabulary, skills, and practical tools needed to participate skillfully and ethically in public finance decision-making and to assume a leadership role in guiding dialogue about resource acquisition and allocation choices.
Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None
PP420: Private and Public Sector Partnerships
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) provide a unique way for the public and private sectors to work together to create, maintain, build, and finance municipal projects and infrastructure. This course explores the structure of private and public sector partnerships and their unique interrelationship in support of government and municipal projects. Aside from infrastructure projects, public-private partnerships may be used to provide social services, environmental restoration, and workforce development projects.
Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None
PP450: Program Evaluation
You will study the historical development of methods and techniques used to assess the effectiveness and monitor the performance of public programs. Specific attention is given to concepts, methods, research, and theories related to program evaluation. The skills and competencies acquired will assist the practitioner in conducting new or existing public program evaluations and needs assessments that are high quality, ethical, relevant, and actionable.
Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None