Nutrition Science (NS)

NS305: Food Safety

This course covers the major issues in food safety and sanitation. It includes the basic principles of foodborne illnesses, food allergens, and foodborne pathogens. Management's role in food safety and sanitation is discussed throughout the flow of food. The importance of food safety regulations and employee training is covered. This course prepares you for the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Exam.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS310: Nutritional Analysis and Assessment

This course includes the study of methods and equipment used for nutritional analysis in health, obesity, and malnutrition. Students learn how to utilize the software based on manual data-gathering systems to assess nutritional status.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS313: Foodservice Management - Principles and Practices

This course provides you with a comprehensive overview of the principles of food safety and management as they relate to the foodservice industry. Specific topics include sanitation, safety, nutrition and menu development, personnel and communications, business management and marketing. This course explores the skills and responsibilities of being a professional Certified Dietary Manager.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS321: Nutrition Planning and Management

This course addresses nutritional planning for the maintenance of health and wellness. The studies include identification, assessment, and management of nutritional deficiencies occurring due to food choices and pharmacotherapy.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS325: Nutrition Across the Human Life Cycle

Studies in this course encompass the nutritional issue across the life cycle, including pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation. The course considers nutritional aspects related to neonates, infants, and children. The special needs of adolescents and disorders affecting this age group are discussed. The coursework will also include a discussion of nutritional demands and food choices in the geriatric population.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS335: Nutrition for Special Populations

Studies in this course emphasize the nutrition and dietetic considerations for healthy individuals with special needs, such as geriatric and gender-specific needs. The coursework includes analyzing nutritional and dietetic needs, and designing appropriate protocols for clients with chronic, progressive, or degenerative diseases and metabolic disorders, as well as for special needs children and infants. The course addresses the underlying principles of total parenteral nutrition and nasogastric tube feeding.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS415: Food Science With Lab

This course complements the student's knowledge of nutrition by presenting the scientific foundation of foods through weekly in-home kitchen preparation of specific recipes that demonstrate the scientific properties of foods. Students explore current food technology and develop a base for additional study in specific areas of food science.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS420: Nutritional Counseling

This course addresses various aspects of a nutritional counseling session, including client encounters, documentation, and data gathering. Analytical strategies, planning, implementation, and assessment of progress of nutrition therapy for individual clients are discussed.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS425: Sports Nutrition

This course encompasses the application of physiologic principles, such as protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism, to athletic needs and performance. Various loading protocols for phosphates and carbohydrates in relation to athletic events are discussed. Popular performance-enhancing supplements and drugs and the regulatory aspects of their use are addressed in detail.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS430: Whole Foods Production

This course explores various aspects of whole foods, including their production, preservation, transport, storage, and costs. Studies will address geographic, climatic, and societal influences on whole foods production. You will learn strategies to inform and educate producers and consumers of the financial issues, governmental assistance, and alternative methods of whole foods production.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS440: Legal and Regulatory Environment in Food Production

This course covers the legal and regulatory aspects of food production. Studies include major elements in and the rationale behind food labeling. This course further addresses the regulatory agencies and their role in enforcement, and the legal and ethical responsibilities of the food producers, suppliers, and retailers in maintaining a safe food supply. Special attention is given to regulatory aspects of food production relative to livestock handling, and the import and export of food.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: None

NS499: Bachelor's Capstone in Nutrition

This capstone course is the culminating experience for the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. This course builds on the concepts of all the courses you have taken within the program of study. The capstone course provides you with the opportunity to integrate and synthesize the knowledge and skills acquired throughout your coursework in an original comprehensive project, and to assess your level of mastery of the stated outcomes of your degree program in nutrition.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: Last term