Aviation (AV)

AV102: Aviation Business

This course discusses the contextual background of the aviation industry, including aircraft and aerospace design parameters, as well as industrial processes. You will learn about the overall structure of the aviation industry, including aviation history, the current status of aerospace manufacturers, commercial airlines, and general aviation, as well as governmental aviation agencies and international aviation. Finally, you will learn about the commercialization of space and current issues in aviation.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

AV144: Private Pilot Lectures

This course provides a study of the subject areas and information needed to operate as a private pilot in the aviation environment. You will examine regulatory oversight, flight planning and the assessment of weather, aircraft and system design, and aeronautical decision-making.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV145: Private Pilot Flight

You will receive the necessary dual flight instruction and solo flight time to qualify for the FAA Private Pilot Certificate under Part 141 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 3 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV203: Aviation Operations Management

This course introduces you to current aviation management principles and elemental aviation business planning. Major topics include flight and maintenance in operations management, safety management, financial management, and human resource management.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: None

AV210: Ground Trainer

In this course, you will continue to work on VOR, ADF, and ILS holding and approaches. Additionally, there will be a minimum of three instrument cross-countries flown in the ground trainer. The final portion of the course will be to increase the proficiency level of instrument flying.

Quarter Credit Hours: 1.5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV243: Commercial Pilot Flight I

This course is designed to develop a higher degree of coordination and judgment through additional experience in more advanced flight maneuvers and cross-country flying under Part 141 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Students are required to complete 60 hours of flight.

Quarter Credit Hours: 3 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV248: Commercial Pilot Flight II

This course is a continuation of the flight training received in AV243: Commercial Pilot Flight I and focuses on honing your skills and preparing for your checkride. Students are required to complete 60 hours of flight.

Quarter Credit Hours: 3 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV249: Instrument Flight Lectures

This course provides a study of the operation of flight instruments and navigation aids, Federal Aviation Regulations pertinent to instrument flight, meteorology, instrument charts, instrument flight planning, and air traffic control procedures.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV253: Instrument Flight Training

This course is designed to prepare you for the FAA Instrument Rating under Part 141 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 4.5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV254: Commercial Flight Lectures

This course is designed to review the principles of flight, aircraft systems, pertinent federal aviation regulations, and airman publications and service.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV298: Aviation Technology Practicum

The Aviation Technology Practicum encourages teamwork in small groups on a substantial project. This course intends to provide a practicum experience that integrates the material and your previous experiences with the curriculum. The course also offers an opportunity for you to recognize and evaluate the interrelationship of your general education courses with the courses completed for your major.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV325: Advanced Aviation Meteorology

This course is designed for students who are preparing for careers as professional pilots or others who require advanced knowledge of weather and its impact on aviation operations. Topics include the atmospheric processes causing wind, cloud cover, precipitation, icing, turbulence, thunderstorms, low-visibility phenomena, and other atmospheric hazards to aviation. The course also addresses pressure and altimetry, instrument flight rule weather and operations, radar and satellite imagery, and obtaining, evaluating, and using weather data.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV327: Advanced Transport Flight Operations

This course addresses topics related to the operation of turbine aircraft to include aircraft systems, performance, weight and balance, high altitude flight, weather, and normal and abnormal operations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students or BS in Aviation Management students

AV338: Business Aviation Management

This course provides an in-depth study of the knowledge areas necessary to effectively manage the operations of a business aviation organization. Topics include an overview of the business aviation industry, aircraft acquisition and financing, business and flight operations management, maintenance, and safety.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students or BS in Aviation Management students

AV340: Aerospace Business Statistics

This course provides an introduction to business statistics with a specific focus on managerial decision-making as it relates to airline performance statistics. Topics will include descriptive statistics, probability models, estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. You will use software to perform analysis.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students or BS in Aviation Management students

AV346: Transport Category Aircraft Systems I

This course provides an in-depth study of the components and operation of primary systems found on modern transport category aircraft utilizing Boeing 737 aircraft. The cockpit layout is introduced with an emphasis on how pilots can operate and control the various systems discussed. Aircraft and system limitations are stressed to highlight the operation parameters of the aircraft.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV351: Flight Instructor Flight

This course is flight training in preparation for flight instructor certification. Instructional techniques are demonstrated and practiced by the student. Heavy emphasis is placed on student practice teaching of all maneuvers.

Quarter Credit Hours: 2.5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV352: Flight Instructor Lectures

This course teaches the fundamentals of flight instruction including human behavior, learning, effective communication, teaching, lesson plans, and professionalism. Additionally, the course brings together technical knowledge and regulations. Some practice teaching will be required.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV353: Multiengine Flight

This course prepares you for the FAA multiengine rating. Dual flight instruction is conducted in a multiengine aircraft.

Quarter Credit Hours: 2.5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV354: Advanced Flight Path Management

This course studies the various modes of modern aircraft automation available to pilots and the appropriate use of automation for efficient and safe operations within the national airspace system. Energy management is explored throughout all phases of flight. Students gain literacy with the Flight Management Computer (FMC) and are familiarized with the displays of navigation, communication, and automation information.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: AV254; open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV388: Transport Category Aircraft Systems II

This course covers the operational nature of the Boeing 737 aircraft and introduces the management of normal, abnormal, and emergency checklists. Applied system management is integrated into various scenario-based events. Operating procedures through various phases of flight are discussed. The basic philosophy of multi-crew coordination and decision-making models are emphasized.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only; AV346

AV412: Aviation Finance

This course will focus on the financial knowledge needed to operate and evaluate aviation businesses. Content will address the impact of financial decisions on operational outcomes that increase/decrease value to/from an aviation company's bottom line. Case studies will be used to demonstrate practical aspects of financial decisions as they relate to organizational performance and profitability.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students, BS in Business Administration - Aviation Management Concentration students, or BS in Aviation Management students

AV421: Managerial Economics in Aviation

This course explores the process of making managerial decisions based on modern economic principles and concepts and provides you with a set of tools that can be used to make such decisions. Marginal analysis, forecasting, and cost-analysis concepts are introduced, as are game-theoretic and probabilistic decision-making models. Bargaining strategies and linear programming tools are addressed as well.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students or BS in Aviation Management students

AV438: Airline Operations

This course offers an in-depth study of the functions of air carrier operations with an emphasis on the system control center. Topics include the following key air carrier operations: station operations, maintenance operations, flight operations, network operations, and irregular operations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students, BS in Business Administration - Aviation Management Concentration students, or BS in Aviation Management students

AV454: Human Factors in Aviation

This course explores the fundamental concepts of human factors in aviation. Capabilities and limitations of human physiology and psychology, as they apply to the safe operation and maintenance of aircraft, are presented. Specific topics include physiological factors, aeronautical decision-making, human factors/human error, crew resource management, and threat and error management.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV475: Aviation Law

Aviation Law provides a study of the fundamental legal and aviation law principles as they apply to various stakeholders in the aviation industry. Emphasis will be placed on contemporary aviation law concepts such as airman liability and enforcement actions; air carrier and government liability; accident reporting; aircraft transactions and insurance; labor law; unmanned aircraft systems; and commercial spaceflight operations.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students, BS in Business Administration - Aviation Management Concentration students, or BS in Aviation Management students

AV481: Safety Management Systems

This course provides an introduction to Safety Management Systems (SMS) and their application within the aviation industry. You will learn about the history and evolution of SMS. In addition, you will examine the principles of change management, ethical decision-making, processing hazards and managing risk, and implementing SMS in an aviation organization.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students or BS in Aviation Management students

AV498: Aviation Technology Capstone

The Aviation Technology Capstone encourages teamwork in small groups on a substantial project. This course intends to provide a capstone experience that integrates the material and your previous experiences with the curriculum. It also offers an opportunity for you to recognize and evaluate the interrelationship of your general education courses with the courses taken for your major.

Quarter Credit Hours: 5 | Prerequisite: Open to BS in Professional Flight students only

AV499: Bachelor's Capstone in Aviation Management

The Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a variety of managerial positions within the multifaceted aviation industry. The curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in business management with an emphasis on managerial-level decision-making and problem-solving to develop the skill sets necessary to enable an aviation workforce to function effectively while maximizing profitability. In addition to developing a thorough understanding of the business of aviation, you will also develop the leadership skills necessary to motivate others and communicate effectively.

Quarter Credit Hours: 6 | Prerequisite: Completion of all program-specific courses