Purdue Global Commitment Trial Period

As a first-time undergraduate Purdue Global student, you may use the first 3 weeks of class as a trial period when you can decide if you are committed to pursuing your education at Purdue Global.

During the Purdue Global trial period the following rights/restrictions apply:

  • You enjoy all the rights and resources of a fully admitted student.
  • At any time during this trial period you may elect to opt out of classes with no financial obligation to the University.
  • You are obliged to uphold all of the University's policies.
  • You are ineligible to receive Title IV financial aid until the completion of the trial period.

In addition, Purdue Global requires demonstration of your commitment through completion of academic activity during the third week of the term. If you are enrolled in an ExcelTrack program, you are required to complete academic activity prior to the end of the third week of your term. If you do not meet these requirements, your enrollment will be cancelled. 

Students reapplying for admission will not be eligible for Purdue Global Commitment again.

If you purchased textbooks for an undergraduate program, you may return them without charge at this point. If you purchased textbooks for a graduate program, you will be subject to the return policy of the seller and are encouraged to closely review this policy.

Purdue Global Commitment may not be available to all students including, but not limited to, nondegree-seeking students, students enrolled in independent model programs within the School of Multidisciplinary and Professional Studies, students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Professional Flight, returning students, and students enrolled in graduate programs.

If you are participating in the Purdue Global Commitment and elect to continue beyond the trial period, you are responsible for tuition as defined in the refund policy.