Bachelor of Science in Health Science

Description and Outcomes

The Bachelor of Science in Health Science program focuses on building content knowledge and skills in the broad areas of health science and health care. Coursework highlights foundational knowledge and skills as well as overall concepts, values, research methods, and applications that could prepare you to pursue a career in health care or health science. Courses teach you to apply principles of healthy living to the education of individuals and communities, and focus on foundational knowledge and skills upon which to build additional competencies. The program also encourages the development of administrative, ethical, and professional skills that are relevant to leadership positions in the increasingly diverse health care field.

The Bachelor of Science in Health Science program is designed to prepare you to pursue a variety of career opportunities in health care and health science-related industries. Additionally, it provides you with a solid undergraduate foundation to pursue further graduate study and/or professional degrees.


If you are an active-duty servicemember of the U.S. military, you may choose to personalize your degree with a concentration in Military Physician Assistant Preparation (MPAP). See the Policies section for additional information.

Graduate Program Pathways

If you are interested in earning both a bachelor's and master's degree, consider a graduate program pathway.

Program Length

The Bachelor of Science in Health Science program consists of a minimum of 180 quarter credit hours. Upon successful completion of the program, you will be awarded a bachelor of science degree.

Program Outcomes

Discipline-Specific Outcomes

  1. Knowledge Base: Demonstrate sound foundational knowledge and an understanding of the principles of biology, chemistry, human anatomy, physiology, and disease processes as they relate to health outcomes.
  2. Research Methods and Critical Thinking Skills: Demonstrate competency in medical research and inquiry using scientific methods and laboratory skills for critical thinking and problem solving in health care settings.
  3. Interdisciplinary Integration: Apply principles of healthy living at the individual and community level to protect and promote optimal physical and mental health.
  4. Public Health and Education: Integrate basic knowledge of the core disciplines within public health and deliver educational programs that promote public health.
  5. Health Care Administration: Demonstrate an understanding of the forces impacting health delivery systems and the effective management of health care administration.
  6. Ethics and Professionalism: Employ the professional, ethical, and legal standards of health care practice and interdisciplinary collaboration through leadership and community stewardship.

General Education Literacies and Professional Competencies

In addition to the discipline-specific outcomes, general education literacies and professional competencies are integrated throughout your academic program. You can review the general education literacies and professional competencies associated with your academic program in the General Education and Professional Competency Requirements section of this Catalog.

Program Availability

For program availability, please refer to the U.S. State and Other Approvals section and Program Availability Information.


Please refer to school-specific policies and the Policy Information section for general Purdue Global policies.

Admissions Requirements

Enrollment in the MPAP concentration is limited to active-duty servicemembers of the U.S. military. 

Progression Requirements

If you are enrolled in the MPAP concentration, credit for prior learning for your concentration requirements will be limited to approved sources. 

Certification, State Board, and National Board Exams

Certification and licensure boards have state-specific educational requirements for programs that lead to a license or certification that is a precondition for employment. Prospective and current students must review Purdue Global’s State Licensure and Certifications site to view program and state-specific licensure information.

Licensure-track programs may limit enrollment to students in certain states; please see Purdue Global’s Program Availability Information to determine enrollment eligibility.

You are responsible for understanding the requirements of optional certification exams. Such requirements may change during the course of your program. You are not automatically certified in any way upon program completion. Although certain programs are designed to prepare you to take various optional certification exams, Purdue Global cannot guarantee you will be eligible to take these exams or become certified. Your eligibility may depend on your work experience, completion of education and/or degree requirements, not having a criminal record, and meeting other certification requirements.

Completion of the MPAP concentration serves as a preparation for, not a direct qualification for, the Interservice Physician Assistant Program (IPAP) offered by the U.S. military. The Purdue Global MPAP concentration includes prerequisite coursework necessary to apply for admission to the IPAP. Completion of a Purdue Global program with the MPAP concentration does not guarantee admission to the IPAP. The military may change IPAP prerequisites.