School of Health Sciences


The šŸŒ icon appears in the title of traditional courses that are also available as a set of module courses.Ā Ā 

Mission Statement

The School of Health Sciences is committed to preparing our students to become contributing members of the rapidly evolving health professions and the communities they serve. The knowledge, skills, and abilities gained through the health sciences programs prepare students to become effective and professional communicators, analytical problem solvers, and to embrace the challenges of a diverse community. The curriculum combines these skills with industry-specific standards that enable graduates to excel in this honorable field of service.

General Policies

Admissions Requirements

You must meet the below admissions requirements in addition to Purdue Global's general requirements.

International Students

If you are an international student, you cannot enroll in a School of Health Sciences program that requires a clinical placement without prior approval of the Dean. In addition, you must have an approved criminal background check. You will also be required to complete a second criminal background check prior to placement at a clinical, externship, professional practice experience (PPE), or practicum site. You are responsible for the cost of the criminal background check.

Programs With a Required Clinical, Externship, Practicum, or Professional Practice Experience (PPE)

You must pass a criminal background checkĀ to enroll in a School of Health Sciences program that requires completion of a clinical, externship, PPE, or practicum experience. You will be required to complete a second criminal background check prior to placement at a clinical, externship, PPE, or practicum site if your initial background check will be more than 1 year old by the date your externship is completed, or if requested by the clinical site.

The University may require you to submit to a drug/chemical substance test at any time during the course of the program if there is evidence of impaired behavior that may pose a risk to patients, other students, or the education program. The requirement to submit to a drug/chemical substance test is based on an assessment of behavior that reflects possible drug use and/or impairment, and you will be required to cover all expenses incurred unless you live in the state of North Dakota, in which case, the University will cover the expenses. If applicable, you must provide a valid, verifiable, current prescription and evidence of appropriate medical supervision for medications that may affect your academic or clinical performance during your educational program. You will not be allowed to return to the externship site or participate in onsite clinical courses until drug testing results are presented to, reviewed, and approved by the program chair. If you refuse the test, the University will assume you are using drugs/alcohol, which is considered a conduct violation and subject to disciplinary action identified in theĀ Student ConductĀ section. A positive drug test for a nonprescribed substance will lead to dismissal from a program that includes a clinical component.

Progression Requirements

General progression requirements for programs in the School of Health Sciences are noted below.

  1. Credit for prior learning applied toward major School of Health Sciences courses must have been completed within 10 years of the start of your School of Health Sciences program. This provision may be waived at the discretion of the Dean of the program based on a review of submitted coursework or professional experience.
  2. You must achieve a minimum grade of ā€œSā€ (satisfactory) for the clinical components of courses.
  3. You must provide required documentation for the clinical course, practicum, PPE, and externship placement including, but not limited to, health assessments and an application for clinical placement. Specific policies and procedures for submitting required documentation can be found in the appropriate Student Clinical Handbook. Failure to submit appropriate documentation by the deadline may result in a delay in placement for the clinical course, practicum, PPE, or externship and/or dismissal from the University.

Programs With a Required Clinical, Externship, Practicum, or Professional Practice Experience (PPE)

  1. In the event that the University is unable to schedule you into the required externship, PPE, practicum, or clinical experience, there may be a delay between the time you end classes and begin the externship, PPE, practicum, or clinical experience. In this case, the Dean of the School of Health Sciences may grant an administrative leave of absence.
  2. At the discretion of the University, externship, PPE, practicum, or clinical sites may be secured outside of your immediate residential area. You will be responsible for costs associated with transportation to the externship, PPE, practicum, or clinical site.
  3. You are responsible for submitting any documents requested by clinical sites by the established deadline. Failure to submit documentation will lead to a delay in placement and could lead to a failed attempt with placement.
  4. In the event that you have not met preclinical placement requirements, a one-term clinical leave of absence may be granted. The Clinical Placement Team must approve the request for a clinical leave of absence.
  5. If you fail to meet the requirements of an arranged clinical placement on the second attempt, you will be withdrawn from your academic program at the end of the current term.
  6. If you are terminated from a clinical site you must successfully complete remediation within one full term after the end of your clinical course in order to be eligible for a second attempt with placement.
Oregon Health Professions Requirements

Effective July 1, 2014, students completing certain types of clinical training in the state of Oregon are required to complete a standardized set of administrative requirements prior to beginning the clinical experience. These requirements include, but are not limited to, immunizations, screenings, and trainings listed by the Oregon Health Authority. Students are responsible for the costs associated with completion of these requirements. Additional information can be found on the Oregon Health Authority website. Health sciences and nursing students should work with the Clinical Placement Team to determine what requirements will need to be completed.